Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Hey Bulldog!

Are these not the sweetest? Do you not want this sweet jowly face in your life? Look at the symmetry of the neck dewlap in the top jowl close up! Note the INTENSE nose wrinkle snuggling against the little black sniffer, folding and hugging against it like a warm winter quilt in the bottom picture! Do you not want to shove your face straight into the forehead wrinkles? I know I do. If all my wildest hopes and dreams were to come true, I wouldn't have better jowls in my life than these superior specimens.

(Pictures from


Anonymous said...

My jowly pup was cuter! Much cuter! Perhaps you should post him so the fans can decide for themselves, hmmmm?

Heather said...

I smell a jowl challenge. Perhaps we should wage a cuteness challenge, cause with all due respect, spaniels aren't supremely jowly.

Anonymous said...

You never squished his fat face!

JC said...

This entry is by far the best blog entry on any blog that I have ever seen. Excessive bulldog cuteness, some of the best jowl close-ups you've ever posted, and a Beatles reference to top things off! Well played.

Heather said...

Thanks. I'm glad you enjoyed it. And remember, these are the jowls in your future!